Terms and Conditions to use SAWA
This informed consent (this “Informed Consent”) was last updated on August 27, 2024.
Sawa’s informed consent
Welcome to Sawa. We look forward to assisting you. We provide individual psychotherapy and counseling sessions that are typically scheduled for 45 minutes and on a weekly or every other weekly basis. At the end of a session, you may schedule the next session for a mutually agreeable time.
We require every Sawa client to agree on an informed consent simply because it is the law in MENA region that we are unable to be protected as a mental health care provider in emergency situations. While we would rather have the laws changed so that we can look after all of our clients, especially in emergencies, this is what we have to do at this point in time.
This informed consent is here to protect us and our therapists in the event of a client experiencing an emergency. In this light, if you are having suicidal thoughts and feel as if you may be an immediate danger to yourself or others, don’t wait to book an online session on Sawa immediately seek local emergency care by calling a helpline, a facility, or any other local resource that can physically check on you in real time. While we want to help all of our clients, we may not be the best resource for you in an emergency situation.
This consent allows us to communicate with you via video or text too.
General Information :
The therapeutic relationship is unique in that it is a highly personal and at the same time, a contractual agreement. Given this, it is important for us to reach a clear understanding about how our relationship will work on this platform. This consent will provide a clear framework for our work together. It is important to read and indicate that you have reviewed this information and agree to it. Should you have any questions about this consent, please reach out by sending an email to care@sawa.health The Therapeutic Process You have taken a big step in choosing therapy – well done. It takes a brave person to recognize when they need assistance and to reach out for it. Therapy will be helpful for you, but it usually depends on how much you are willing to engage with the process. Simply showing up to appointments will not fix things, but engaging with uncomfortable thoughts and feelings will. It won’t be easy, and thinking about unpleasant feelings, thoughts, and events can bring up intense emotions – sometimes anger, sometimes anxiety, sometimes despair. Recognizing that these will come up from time to time is important because there are no miracle cures and you will sometimes have to confront very uncomfortable issues. While we cannot guarantee easy fixes, we can promise support and understanding from your therapist who will do their very best to understand and help you clarify your needs. All therapy sessions will be conducted over video, audio or text sessions online, and thus may not be the exact same as in-person therapy sessions. This is to make mental health care easier to access and more convenient for clients and therapists.
Despite the benefits, it is important to understand the potential risks of using technology that may affect online sessions, including interruptions, unauthorized access, or technical difficulties. Additionally, either party can discontinue the therapeutic relationship if the technological connections are inadequate to address client concerns. It is also important to understand that in engaging in written communication ( mails) , there may be misunderstandings that arise due to the lack of nonverbal cues that are communicated through video or in-person sessions. This may even happen with video sessions due to poor connection. Therapists observe human behavior and will be reading body language, vocal intonation, and eye contact among other non-verbal communications. While texting your responses may feel more comfortable, it is important to understand that in this instance, the therapist is not getting the whole story as they will miss the non-verbal communication.
When signinh up to Sawa Healt, you are opting in to our marketing email and whatsapp campaigns, you can opt-out anytime by sending an email to hello@sawa.health
Be aware that emails are not a secure mode of communication. If you are not comfortable with such use of email please discuss this with your clinician.
Emergencies :
We feel that it is of the utmost importance that you do not treat Sawa as an emergency service. If you are in an emergency situation and feel as if you or someone you love is in immediate danger, you must contact the emergency number in your country – whether it be 112, 999, or 911. Please find all the emergency numbers in the link below:
Sawa is only a provider of mental health therapy services through online video or text means – we are in no way an emergency or urgent medical service. We are also not a medical provider or deliverer of medical advice or care.
We want to explain to you the meaning of confidentiality and the exceptions to it at the outset of psychotherapy. We ask that you read the information provided here and ask any questions you wish. All sessions with a psychologist, counselor are confidential.
In order to maintain confidentiality, it is imperative that you do not share your Sawa login, account, or payment information.Sawa uses encryption and industry best practices to make sure that all relevant materials, content and personal information is held in the highest level of confidentiality.
A therapist may sometimes require the expert opinion of another professional whose expertise is in a different area. In this context, the therapist will ask for the client’s permission to consult and undertakes to do so without using the client’s name.
Information about your contact with the Sawa will not be shared with others outside of Sawa without your informed consent, except in specific circumstances described below.
The staff members will not give out any information about you to your parents, friends, professors, administrators or others without your permission except in these circumstances: Sawa providers have the discretion to compromise the confidentiality of your communications with them if you threaten to do harm to yourself or another individual and they reasonably believe that you may act on that threat. In such situations, the psychologist or counselor ordinarily will urge you to be evaluated by a psychiatrist or clinician in a hospital setting. It may also be necessary to contact family members or others who can help to provide for your safety. In cases of threats or actual violence toward another, the clinician is legally obliged to take protective actions which may include notifying the potential victim, campus security and/or the police in the potential victim’s community. Psychologists, counselors are mandated reporters and are required to breach confidentiality by filing a report with the appropriate state agency if you report to us that a minor (under age 18), elder, or person with a disability is being abused.
Therapists may release certain information without your consent to either your parent (s) or legal authorities under the following circumstances: * You tell your therapist that you plan to cause serious harm or death to yourself or someone else, and your therapist believes you have the intent and ability to carry out this threat in the very near future. Your therapist must take steps to inform a parent or guardian of what you have told them and how serious they believe this threat to be; if you intend to harm someone else, your therapist must inform this person. * You are doing things that could cause serious harm to you or someone else, even if you do not intend to harm yourself or another person. In these situations, your therapist will need to use their professional judgment to decide whether a parent or guardian should be informed. * You tell your therapist you are being abused physically or sexually. In this situation, your therapist may be required to report the abuse to Protection Department of Children and Families or law enforcement.
EXCEPTION: Parental and/or guardianship consent does not apply if a parent refuses to be involved; if there are clear clinical indications to the contrary; if the minor has been sexually abused by a parent; or if the minor is legally emancipated. However, exceptions to confidentiality may still apply to legal authorities if any of the above circumstances arises. COMMUNICATING WITH YOUR PARENT(S) OR GUARDIAN(S): Except for situations such as those mentioned above, unless you provide your written and/or verbal consent, your therapist will not tell your parent or guardian specific things you share with them in private therapy sessions. This includes activities and behavior that you think your parent/guardian would not approve of — or would be upset by — but that do not put you at risk of serious and immediate harm. However, if your risk-taking behavior becomes more serious, then your therapist will need to use their professional judgment to decide whether you are in serious and immediate danger of being harmed. If your therapist thinks that you are in such danger, they will certainly talk with you and discuss how best they can share this information with your parent or guardian. Consultation We consult with our two in-house psychiatrists regarding clients as necessary. The staff may also engage in professional consultations with other appropriate professionals about their assessment and/or treatment of you in order to enhance the services provided to you. Efforts would be made to avoid revealing your identity. Any professional consulted on your behalf would also be legally bound to maintain confidentially.
Records of sessions with a psychologist, counselor are maintained and kept secure in the system. Records are destroyed after seven years. You have the right to know the contents of your file. To learn what is in your file, submit a written request to care@sawa.health and a mutually agreeable time will be set to discuss this request with you.
Client Rights
These are rights that you always have when participating in therapy sessions on Sawa. If you are ever concerned, just remember you have these rights:
In addition to your rights, it is equally important to understand some basic guidelines of therapy. It is important that clients:
Therapist Responsibilities On Sawa
The Therapist is responsible by the ethical guidelines to ensure clients are informed of their Rights & Responsibilities including the following:
Sawa Programs & Cancelation Policy
Cancellation Policy:
Any session canceled outside the 48-hour notice period is considered paid.
Session Attendance Policy
At Sawa Health, we value privacy, trust, and mutual respect in all our interactions. When you book a session, it is important to honor your commitment and attend it as scheduled. We expect all participants to adhere to the following guidelines
By using our services at Sawa Health, you agree to these terms and conditions. Sawa Health reserves the right to modify these terms and conditions at any time without prior notice.
I certify that I have read and understand the above information and that I am voluntarily consenting to treatment.
©2024 Sawa Health Inc., All right reserved.